Friday, May 24, 2013

Party in the City Where the Heat is On

The city bustle of The Big Apple, the beaches of The City of Angels, the creativity of Chi Town, the urban toughness of Detroit, the exclusive nightlife of Vegas, and the fabulous cuisines of the world all blended into one sexy little city in Florida. 

All night on the beach till the break of dawn, the spicy city of Miami shakes and rumbles with life. From the pairs of feet rustling in the sand, to the swanky intimate wine bars in Midtown, to the eardrum rattling bass-filled mega nightclubs, MIAMI BEACH is the city that never sleeps. Twenty-four hour delectable Cuban bakeries pop up on every corner, extending nights out with friends to mornings skinny dipping in the picturesque Atlantic while the sun rises.  Miami has my heart, along with every other person's who has ever stepped foot into this paradise.

That moment of clarity when all the roaring bass, neon lights, beautiful people, and madness around you suddenly slows down for just a second. In this second you find yourself surrounded by a sea of gorgeous people, of all ages, g r o o v i n g to the universal language under the electric skies of beaming lights and storming confetti. A moment in life that will never be duplicated; never felt the way it was felt that very second. Everything around you begins to sink in as the bass drops and the night engulfs you once again.


  1. I hope this post makes you, the reader, feel even an inkling of the electricity and beauty Miami makes me feel. I am from about 40 minutes north of Miami Beach, but I’ve always felt a magnetic pull closer and closer to Miami. The image of the sunset creates an immediate sense of evening and the hours of the night. I love the color scheme this photo constructs because it is both sexy and electric, two adjectives I’d most likely choose to describe Miami. Miami offers a wide range of things I feel passionate about, the nightlife is just a small aspect of what the city has to offer, and I believe my enuine passion for this city will shine through as I continue to expand this blog.

  2. I chose to use a photo from New Years Day of 2012. This was my view from my hotel room at Fontaine Bleau Hotel in South Beach. I was enjoying a Deadmau5 performance from my hotel balcony. I even found a way into the event for free, typical Miami style :) It was an amazing way for me to start off the year, so I found it an appropriate way to start off my blog. Enjoy!

  3. The layout of this post was just phenomenal. As soon as I entered the blog, I felt alive and I knew exactly what kind of emotion you were trying to provoke in the audience. As a Miami girl mysel, I felt right at home and instantly longed for the nightlife that is Miami, Florida. From the image above the writing of the overview of the city including the palm trees and the bright, yet smooth lights, I instantly felt as if I was in Miami, partying on the beach. The place that I was put in felt so familiar and your use of the font type as well as your background also instantly reflected Miami and what it is like to like there. I thought that the gif you used in which the younger crowd was partying and having a great time perfectly depicted the way that you lose all your cares and trouble to the nightlife in Miami. BY showing images like this, the audience is able to imagine how fast paced and care free it is to live in the city called Miami. I would not have done anything differently with this post, I honestly felt like the words and images that you used were perfect in bringing the life to your blog to exhibit such a live city. By using the colors like pink and purple in the background, the audience feels at ease and also sees that you tied that picture in with your image at the top of the page. This indicates that it is a uniform and typical thing for those calming and relaxing colors to be used in Miami, whether for tourists or for the natives. It is a place where everyone can get away and I felt that just by visiting this blog.
